04 November, 2010

No competition, no no!!

This is interesting and I am asked every time when I met or knew someone from home country. They said: have I lost my mother-tongue, have I forgotten how to write or speak, and have I given up the spirit of cultural society etc. What is your identity in terms of language, appear and behaviours. I am annoying being labelled, and I dislike to listen to none meaningful suggestions; why not allow me to be what I want to be and no more manipulations.

To be born in a tradition family in the east isn’t too bad, whereas living in a modern west country may be worried, and there are ways to reach the balance. Isn’t that so – called challenge or adventure?? Why people would put their heads back into the shell just like a turtle did!? I suppose to learn the cultures between east and west would be perfectly wonderful, and why bother about language, how to be looked and behaviours?? It’s not a competition and is not a representative to the country you were from; it’s you, purely only you. 

02 November, 2010

One door is closed; the other is opened!!

Just like the comment sections online of every well – known newspaper in the world. People put their comments and stamp under every article to express their thoughts, or arguing between the readers or the author. All they do are communicating without to convert (I hope obviously) each other.

It all started from I joined one of public groups on FB (Facebook), it doesn’t say anything regardless joint policy, and I extremely feel the group is lack of equal right and is discrimination after I took part. My comments were investigated, I was investigated by the group members, and bizarrely I ended up to be told off by the creator because I am different compared to the group members as they don’t like the differences. I was stunt. I thought we all live at civilisation; surely I was wrong and expected the group was in a certain standard.   

Perhaps the creator doesn’t realise people are not the same value and are different when approached to the group; the users may have different principle and purpose when signed up too. To me, the benefits of creating a group are to see different comments from others’ perspective, and also entertaining the group as well as keeping them brainstorm.

Purely we all live in a “free speech” country, but for some, it just not works on them. Don’t ask me why, should ask these creators on FB instead.