20 September, 2010

Old Wine & Friends Improve with Age

An old friend met in a far country is like rain after drought - Chinese proverb.

It's been at least eight years until recently reunion with a long lasting friend and have got back in contact. She has not changed much, is the same optimistic attitude as when I first met her. I was out of the mood, just like the Itallian proverb said: old friends are always new and the better.

Making friend is such dynamic proposal and event; I'd say it was meant to be when we met. It is interesting because if we were not colleague working together just before she left, as a result the outcome would not be the same and is different, which I call it "good timing", whereas I live abroad for a number of years, making new friend isn't difficult for me but knowing friends who are meaningful would be much harder to find no matter what country I am in. Somehow, I realise I rather have the quality friends than the quantity mates.

Share with you ~


Alex M said...

我覺得有交心過的朋友, 不管是相隔兩地or失聯而又連絡上, 感覺都不會變. 不過, 我老公&他朋友就不一樣了, 他離開UK二十年, 沒跟任何UK朋友聯絡, 如今回來後, 有遇到四個, 但都只相聚一次後, 就沒再連絡, 連電話都沒有...所以我覺得每種感情都是要用'心' 去經營的

@ the Quiet Room said...

People are different, he may not think the same way as you do; however I agree every friendship is built on trust and be truthful to each other.