This is interesting and I am asked every time when I met or knew someone from home country. They said: have I lost my mother-tongue, have I forgotten how to write or speak, and have I given up the spirit of cultural society etc. What is your identity in terms of language, appear and behaviours. I am annoying being labelled, and I dislike to listen to none meaningful suggestions; why not allow me to be what I want to be and no more manipulations.
To be born in a tradition family in the east isn’t too bad, whereas living in a modern west country may be worried, and there are ways to reach the balance. Isn’t that so – called challenge or adventure?? Why people would put their heads back into the shell just like a turtle did!? I suppose to learn the cultures between east and west would be perfectly wonderful, and why bother about language, how to be looked and behaviours?? It’s not a competition and is not a representative to the country you were from; it’s you, purely only you.