18 May, 2009

Who Is Calling.....................

My mobile rang while I was at work, someone named himself was from one of the insurance company and would like to give me a quote regarding my bike.

“ I am ringing on behalf of $%^&* company and would like to give you a quote”

“ You what?”

“$%^&* company”

“Who are you, how did you get my number, and why you contact me for”

I honestly was surprised with his action and I hate the third parties contacting the personal mobile without any permission.

“……………” He hanged up in the end.

As you can see even you don’t give your consent away, people are always available to get your details out in some point. I wonder how many people are doing this every single day and how many people are the victims on a daily basis as well…, it is absolutely disregard action and annoying.

Stand-Up show

I went to a comedy stand-up show last night, and was hosted by * (cannot remember his name…) with other 3 guests, one of them was Tom Wrigglesworth (He won't be in a coma this time...) in the Yorkshire Playhouse.

It was the first time I visited the Yorkshire Playhouse and inside the theatre, there were plenty of rooms for my legs and has a good view when seated in the back row but, one thing annoyed me was… the drinks. There were too dear to buy drinks in the venue, just like anywhere else. I used to travel to London to see such live show which was in one of many bars, apart from paying gig ticket on the door, and also pay for the drink on the top of that (tuting...).

Talk about this comedian, I don’t know him well and in fact, I’ve not heard of him but he is funny and has a good structure when he gave his talk. One of the funniest stories was when he mentioned the announcement in the supermarket. It has a very unusual tone when an announcement is made in store, such as:

“Store manager code * 113, store manager code * 113”

“Store cleaner aisle * 6, store cleaner aisle * 6”

Mind you, there are always pronunciations going on especially within the announcements where * sign are, and imagine if we all talk like that in a daily life conversations…

“What do you want for tea *, what do you want for tea * ”

“I am having a wee * , I am having a wee * ”

How funny is that! It makes your life full of fun and comprehensives, and due to that point, I just couldn't stop to laugh at it.

12 May, 2009

Think Before You Act

News is shocking me recently which is about the web murder is given a life sentence.

Consequently when we communicate with people on the other ends on these so-called social networks, I wonder are people real behind the scenes. I am aware that the more “personal” information you’ve given away, the more dangerous you’ve put yourself into, and I think we’ve all learned from others’ experiences and keep the distances and be safe.

11 May, 2009

What do you prefer?

A friend is leaving for further career by end of this month. A few friends we both know are having a farewell do for her which we want to make the most of it in these last few weeks/weekends before she takes off. I was advised to contribute ideas and I am brainstorming as I am running out the time.

I take part for a few dos in the past months, and notice I should watch what I eat in order not to put weight on easily, I disregard having a full meal and suggesting to have afternoon tea instead, friends aren’t disagreed. I am also thinking of what are we having for this so-called afternoon tea, in fact I am not a creamy tea person, I am a black coffee person. I also have another idea of having cheese/chocolate fondue, despite fruit and bread, what else can go with these two, it seems lots of works behind the scenes and I am calling for helps now.

08 May, 2009

60 seconds...........

I’ve been really busy recently, as you can see I’ve left here completely. What a big deal for me getting back here and sharing my thought again - a conflict. The row didn’t happen very often but once it started, I tried to minimize it as much as possible but it doesn’t mean I am petrified.

I share foods or fruits at work, just like the fest, and my colleagues take part from time to time. One of my colleagues gave comments after his shared and said “this is odd and is tasteless”, with this in mind, everything is volunteers and no pressures; how on earth was happened and especially was the second time he said (good job there was no one slap him).

I’ve done something I should. I politely sent him en email and told him off. Imagining I was calm and didn’t let my steams out in those 60 seconds……….I was counting and be self-control while I was shouting inside my head. I thought GOSH, in how many years goes on and I’ve learned, and to listen first action is the after and is the last.

However, you can choose your work but your work colleagues and get on with it.